Berbagi pos - "*T-minus 1 hour until our webinar: Increase..."

Google Ads berbagi pos.
T-minus 1 hour until our webinar: Increase Relevancy with New Ad Formats and Extensions

Join us today at 10:00AM PST/1:00PM EST as we discuss the formats and extensions that make your ads more relevant to people searching on Google.  We'll look at the formats themselves, discuss the recent changes to Ad Rank and how that will impact the way you advertise on Google, and outline our latest set of formats best practices.

Anda menerima notifikasi ini karena Google Ads ada dalam lingkaran Kenalan Anda. Ubah setelan notifikasi untuk lingkaran ini.
Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
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